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System architecture

Vaults and TradingEngine are the core components of the system. Keepers are a group of web servers that can be run by any entities.

  1. Liquidity providers provde liquidity to vaults
  2. Traders need to place position-orders through the OrderRouter
  3. Keepers listen for new orders submited to OrderRouter and execute them. assets from the GLP pool.
  4. The state of the order will be sent to the TraingEngine. Here is the place of the system to handle risk management, PNL of an order.
  5. The TradingEngine get the price from the oracle to calculate PNL for a position.
  6. Keepers constantly compute the median price from top 5 exchanges: Bi- nance, Coinbase, Kraken, Kucoin, Bybit and update the price in the Or- acle contract.
  7. Keepers monitor for underwater positions and execute liquidation.